Tuesday, November 5

Half a Cord...

We had a delivery of firewood today and spent an hour or so carrying it from the pile in the parking lot to the firewood rack on the porch.  Oddly, it is one of our favorite activities (probably because we aren't relying on firewood to keep us warm!).  Everyone donned their work gloves (or in Button's case, one work glove and one mitten) and we rushed back and forth, back and forth bringing the wood to Papa who expertly stacked it.

I love the way that the wood smells and the way that it looks all stacked up.  It is an outdoor version of a bursting pantry or a shelf full of paper towels.  I feel rich!

 The little ones are playing with their trains in front of the fire, and after bedtime, I will get to sit there with my knitting and a little dessert.  What's happening in your neck of the woods?


GretchenJoanna said...

Well, in our neck of the woods ;-) we also got a half cord of firewood, and I feel just the way you do about it. The best smell, a feeling of security knowing that at least I can heat with the wood stove...but I only laid the first fire yesterday. Maybe I will light it tomorrow. So delicious!

Christine said...

What a wonderful gift to your family.

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