Wednesday, April 17

Yarn Along: The Hobbit...

My sister, Juliana, bought me The Hobbit a few weeks ago after she was horrified that I had not read it yet.  I am only on chapter four and I already completely identify with Bilbo Baggins "thinking once again of his comfortable chair before the fire in his favorite sitting-room in his hobbit-hole, and of the kettle singing." It seems the perfect book for me!

I am knitting another honey cowl.  It is my fourth (the first went to my aunt and the second and third ones went to two of my sisters for their birthdays) and I think that I will keep it for myself.  Or maybe I will give it to my friend Monika (without whom I would not be knitting).  We'll see.   Perhaps once I finish it, I will be strong enough to go back to the sweater that taunts me from my knitting basket every time I pick up the needles for a different project.

What are you knitting and reading?


Andee said...

I love the color of your yarn! I read that book many years ago and really enjoyed it. I heard the movie wasn't very good. Maybe I'll have to read it again.

Alisa said...

Your honey cowl looks great! Love the color!

katiemetzroth said...

I've not seen the honey cowl pattern before. I like the texture and I too love the color you've picked.

Unknown said...

Your cowl looks amazing! I have had the "Honey Cowl" in my queue for the longest time, I should really make one!
I am a huge LOTR fan, and read all the books numerous times as a teen. I must admit the movie of the hobbit is good, but too "Lord of the Ringy" for my liking - I know it is of the same characters, but I wanted it to have a feel of its' own which I think it didn't quite achieve. Oh well the books are brilliant and I guess that should be enough!

willfulmina said...

Gorgeous color! I just cast on for mine last night.

Lisa said...

I, too, relate to Mr. Baggins in that way. :) Enjoy the read, and enjoy knitting yourself that cowl, too!

Woman of the House said...

Your kids will love The Hobbit too! It's a great story! Of all the Middle-Earth races, I identify with the hobbits the most. :)

Gretchen R said...

What AMAZING yarn you have there! AMAZING book too, while I'm at it. I've always wanted to make a honey cowl. It seems so perfect in so many ways.

Erin said...

I love that colorway! I don't know if I could knit four of the same thing... good for you! I also don't know if I will ever read The Hobbit. I just can't get into them! Glad you are enjoying it!

Linda said...

The yarn you are knitting with is amazing!! I read the Hobbit a short while ago too and loved it, now I am reading The Lord of the Rings, really a wonderful book.

elizabeth said...

Love that yarn also! you are doing so well! I know you will get that sweater done too! It can be good to have a project switch break (of course I always have at least 3 or 4 things on the go, just like books...)... Mr. Husband and I read the Hobbit out loud last fall and really loved it! It is a wonderful book!

Anonymous said...

Lovely colorway! I hope you enjoy the Hobbit, it's a great one. Pretty soon I'll be reading it to my boys. :)

Anonymous said...

I have to read this book ~ thanks :) pretty yarn color :) I think I am knitting a cowl (mystery kal :))
haPPy day :)

Kathi said...

I loved The Hobbit. It's such a charming book.

The Honey Cowl is on my "to knit" list. I'm curious. Have you knit both sizes? Is there one size the you like better than the other?

Unknown said...

love the yarn colour. You are making the needles itch! Enjoy The Hobbit - I am reading machine knitting books at the mo!

A.L. Perkins said...

"The Hobbit" is great! We just watched the movie last night and it made me want to reread the book.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read The Hobbit, but Bilbo's sitting room sounds like my kind of place ;)

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