A few months ago, our parish formed a women's group that meets once a month for a potluck meal and playtime for the little ones before the Saturday evening service. Our group wanted to think of away to celebrate new babies in our church and with the birth of a little baby girl in the beginning of April, we needed to come up with something quickly. One of our ladies suggested that we place a basket in the back of the church after the birth of a child and for the 40 days that mother and baby rested at home, parishioners could place a small anonymous gift into the basket. When it was time for the baptism, the full basket could be presented to the family as a welcome gift.
I was so excited to find this wicker bassinet at a local secondhand shop during my errands this week! Isn't it beautiful? I think that it will be perfect spot to place these little tokens. I plan on looking through my stash of ribbons to find a few pink ones to tie to the handle. When it is not in use, I think that it will be used to store linens in our bedroom. And if we are ever blessed with another little one, I'll be searching for bedding for this gem!
It's just beautiful!! I can just imagine what a wonderful thing it will be for the church's baby program. What a find indeed!
(Like the new design too.)
How sweet! I love your idea to bless a new mom too. :-)
Wow. Absolutely beautiful!
That basket is breath takingly gorgeous.
Why can't I ever find good buys like that ?
Love your Parish idea, what a sweet blessing
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