Monday, February 20

Living and Learning: The Week Ahead

Church in the Home
With Great Lent fast approaching, I'll be posting a little bit on some of our Lenten preparations and plans this week.  Have you seen the lenten cleaning plan I posted earlier today?  I'd love to see yours if you have one! 

I started watching Sense and Sensibility last night and am really enjoying it!  I love the Emma Thompson version, but this one is so well done and is lengthier!

On My Bedside Table
I began reading Good Evening, Mrs. Craven:  The Wartime Stories of Mollie Panter-Brown last night and am already nearly done.  I really love reading about the experience of the British during World War II and this slim volume of short stories is no exception!  

Kitchen, Pantry, Table
It's Cheesefare Week for the Orthodox Church and we are planning to eat lots of yummy things before the start of Great Lent next Monday.  Some of the things that I plan to make are:  pancakes, waffles, baked ziti, and grilled cheese.  I'd also love to go out for pizza on Friday night!

In My Knitting Basket
I'm still plugging away on my socks, but I've also decided to join in on a Lenten knit-a-long that my sister, Kate, has begun. I'll be knitting another huge Palmyre Shawl.  I'm hoping that the yarn that I ordered yesterday arrives in time.


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Your book sounds wonderful. I'm reading Wuthering Heights. I love Sense and Sensibility but it has been a while.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I ended up watching this version and I actually liked this one better. I am not sure why! Thanks for sharing. I had to come back here and tell you.

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