Saturday, November 28
Friday, November 27
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25
Beeswax Ornaments...
Oh, if your church burns beeswax candles, you might ask your priest if you can have the stubs from the candle stand. I *think* that you can strain the sand and string out of the wax. I am going to try this and let you know.
Monday, November 23
Learning Basket: Thanksgiving...
High Five November 2009
A Child's Calendar (only November pages)
Circle of Seasons (Autumn pages only)
Out and About (Only Autumn pages)
Strega Nona's Harvest
In November
Run, Turkey, Run
Pilgrims of Plymouth
The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving
The Very First Thanksgiving Day
This is the Feast
P is for Pilgrim
Turkey Place Cards
Mayflower Centerpiece or Paper Boat Place Cards
Fill a Cornucopia Basket
Sonlight Preschool 3/4 Books
A First Book of Fairy Tales
Music Study: The Messiah Handel
Poetry Study: A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Loius Stevenson
The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple...
Yesterday was our "official" start and the topic was the Feast of The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, which we celebrated on Saturday. We had the seven year old read Mother Melania's book and then I read The Story of Mary the Mother of God to everyone while they worked on coloring the icon for the feast (the younger children didn't do much, but the older ones did a beautiful job and we had the seven year old try to copy the colors that were used in the real icon of the feast. The children had some of the Litiya bread leftover from the Vespers on Saturday night. Finally, we decorated candles with colored beeswax and the children will light them the next time that they are in church. Our next session is for St Nicholas Day on December 6th!
Beginning Week Two...
Saturday, November 21
Joyous Feast!
- Today is the preview of the good will of God,
- Of the preaching of the salvation of mankind.
- The Virgin appears in the temple of God,
- In anticipation proclaiming Christ to all.
- Let us rejoice and sing to her: Rejoice,
- 0 Divine Fulfillment of the Creator's dispensation.
- -Troparion for the Feast of the Presentation of the Theotokos-
Tuesday, November 17
Troy Polamalu...
Monday, November 16

Friday, November 13
A New Favorite Book...
Doors Equal a Happy Husband!

Thursday, November 12
Preparing for Nativity...

I've been working with Mary for the past few weeks on plans for The Tree of Jesse. Our goal was to make the daily Bible readings accessible for little children. Our first step in this was to go through the Children's Bible Reader to find the correlating passages. Most of the readings were available and can be found in a very handy spreadsheet that Mary has come up with.
We also wanted to try something a little bit different from the the typical Jesse Tree and Ornament set. After brainstorming, we came up with something similar to Mary's Most Holy Theotokos Candles. I chose eight beeswax candles (You could also do one large one) and am adding the small Jesse symbols for each week to one candle. I've been forming the symbols from decorating wax and Bendaroos (Wikki Stix).
In addition to the daily readings and candles, Mary and I have created a coloring page for each day. The pages show the symbol or story for each passage and will help children remember the reading for each day.
When the Nativity Fast begins on Sunday (November 15), we will light the candle for the week, read the Bible passage for the day, and color the coloring page for the day. I anticipate the best time for this will be after dinner, but we will have to see how things go. I'll keep you updated.
Wednesday, November 11
One of My Greatest Fears...

Here's the article: Marine Reservist Attacked Greek Priest He Mistook for Terrorist
and YouTube Video:
Tuesday, November 10
Commitment to Loveliness: No. 51...

Here is my list for this week:
1. Plant bulbs so we have lots of flowers in the spring.
2. Store bath toys in a way that is functional for the children, but but also beautiful.
3. Take a family walk at the State Park
4. Celebrate St. Martin's Feastday on November 11th
5. Take the time to pluck eyebrows!
Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and let us know in the comments section. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section.
Sunday, November 8
Wednesday, November 4
Peter and the Wolf...
Tuesday, November 3
Living and Learning for November...

Archangel Michael
St Nectarios
Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos
Purchase last bits of warm clothing for the cold weather
Plan for our Thanksgiving Feast with my in-laws on the 8th
Set up Reading Room
Plan Cleaning List for Nativity Fast
Plant Bulbs
Buy Pansies
Feather the nest with down blankets for the beds, warm throws for the living room, pajamas and slippers, candles, slippers and a stock of teas and cocoa
Read Alouds
Henry and Mudge Books
Winter Beds
Laura Ingalls Wilder Books (My First Little House)
Establish a Firm Evening Routine for After Dinner: A Craft, Games or Puzzles, Bathtime, Prayers, Books, and Bed
Special Days
2nd Full Frosty/Beaver Moon
9th Uncle Nick’s Namesday and Birthday
11th Veterans Day
17th National Bread Baking Day
20th Uncle Gregory’s Namesday
26th Thanksgiving
Plan for The Tree of Jesse Lesson Block
Little Man’s Namesday, St Nicholas Day, Little Man’s Birthday, and Nativity Gift Planning and Buying
Practice Being Still and Quiet during Prayers and Services
Singing – “Our Father”
The Sign of the Cross for Little Man
Tidying up Toys after Play
Tidying the floor after meals using the dust buster
Nature table scene and book basket
Visit the State Park
Go to Story Hour Weekly
Messy Art at the Local Bookstore
Lacing Cards
Caring for Our Fish
The Tree of Jesse – Christmas Preparation
Thanksgiving Vacation Fun (?)
Sunday, November 1
Saint Michael's Day Party...

Today, the Sunday between Halloween and the Feast of Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers, a St. Michael's Party was held for the children of our parish.
Each child dressed up as an angel or saint, and the adults of the parish had to guess who they were dressed as. The children dressed as angels, St. George, St. Peter the Aleut, and St. Alexandra the Royal-Martyr.
Then Fr. John carved a "Christian Pumpkin" with a special lesson on how God carves out the bad stuff in us called sin and replaces it with His light. The pumpkin has eyes shaped like the Cross, a triangular nose to represent the Holy Trinity, and a smile because we we are filled with God's grace we become truly happy.
I apologize for the awful pictures! I was distracted today and didn't do a great job... the ones I took of Sugar Plum were terrible, so she posed for me at her table when we got home from church... note the bedraggled hair minus a halo!