
Wednesday, May 14

Yarn Along: The Caxley Chronicles...

I finally finished knitting my Grasshopper Shawl!  It is already blocked and now I am just waiting for buttons before I show you how it turned out.  I cast on to another Seashore Cowl a day or two ago.  I am knitting the largest size in Madeline Tosh Merino Light in the colorway Dr. Zhivago's Sky, which is such a lovely color.  

I was drawing a bath for myself one day last week and needed something to read while soaking and randomly picked The Caxley Chronicles from my shelf.  Somehow I never read it and am really enjoying it.  I love Miss Read!


  1. oh fun! (and I love bath time reading... :)) ... how exciting about your shawl and the cowl! what a pretty colour!

  2. I am a great fan of reading in the bath, when my children were little it was the only time I had an hour or so totally to myself.

  3. What beautiful yarn! It sounds like a fun pattern. We saw a lot of those wooden yarn holders that you have this past weekend at the sheep and wool festival. They are very popular now!

  4. That Grasshopper Shawl looks like a beautiful pattern! I am sure your buttons are going to give it the perfect touch!

  5. I love just about every shade of blue yarn there is. That's an especially pretty one! Going to be a lovely shawl. Happy knitting!

  6. Oh, that Grasshopper shawl pattern is lovely, I can't wait to see it finished! Someday I will knit up a Seashore cowl, but when I do I want to use really beautiful yarn and I don't often seem to have the money for the kinds of yarns I wish for in those kind of projects!

  7. mmm that blue is gorgeous

  8. What a beautiful color yarn.

  9. love that colorway ~ your cowl will be stunning!
