
Tuesday, May 13

A Ticket to Dreamland...

The past few nights have been rough ones.  Button has been up in the wee hours coughing and feeling generally miserable.  We were able to be squeezed in at the doctor's office today and it seems that our little boy has an ear infection and bronchitis.  Hopefully he'll be back to himself soon and we will both get some rest tonight.

It was such a perfect day weather-wise and so I threw open all the windows in reckless abandon.  Our little garden by our dining room window is flourishing and I really enjoy looking through it at all the pretty things.  The lettuce has been finding its way into our salads, the false indigo is laden with blooms, and our hydrangeas are fairly bursting with buds.  My goal is to fill the flower bed with so many plants and pots that I can no longer see the gravel that is covering the dirt and offends me every time I spy it.

I'm off to enjoy the last piece of pound cake before I slip off into dreamland...


  1. Good night! Sweet dreams and well wishes. And I do believe I will be making that cake for friends next week.

  2. oh, that is hard; I hope today is better!
