
Monday, December 20

Ice Ornaments...

When I saw GardenMama's ice ornaments a few months ago, I filed the idea away for when the weather got cooler. This past Saturday, I was about to toss Little Man's dead birthday bouquet, and I remembered the ice ornaments! Sugar Plum and I cut apart the bouquet and spread it evenly in a 12 cup muffin tin. We added a ribbon loop and some water to each cup and slid it into the freezer. Yesterday afternoon, we popped each ornament out (by running a little warm water over the back) and hung them on the tree in our front yard. Since the morning sun hits the tree directly each morning, we had a little melting, but now I think that they look even prettier!


  1. Those are beautiful!

    Still almost 80 degrees here, so I will just have to admire yours!

  2. Aren't they lovely! I'll have to admire yours since that wouldn't last too long here!

  3. How beautful!...wouldn't work down here :(

  4. You do such fun things with your children!

  5. Love this idea! Thanks for passing it on.

  6. Those are lovely. We have lots of flowers in the house right now, so I'll have to try this out with our kids when the flowers are nearing their end. Thanks!

  7. I love these! Thanks for sharing. : )
