
Thursday, August 7

Butterflies, Butterflies Everywhere...

Two of my three sisters came down for a quick visit this week. Both came bearing gifts: Kate brought craft supplies and knowledge (lovely raw wool for felted balls and her crocheting teaching skills) and Anna gave us this beautiful butterfly decoration. After checking out the construction (fishing line that runs through each butterfly and a bead at the bottom for a weight), we decided that it would be a cinch to make one for each season (or even holiday)... we shall see!

BTW, have you noticed that my last three posts have involved the color orange? I assure you that was totally unplanned!


  1. I have an award for you at my blog. Please come by and pick it up! :)

    Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

  2. gorgeous! I love the second photo!

  3. you don't have to ask her, but do you know where she got it. I love butterflies and am a tad envious of you right now! jk LOL

  4. love the butterflies!! (Hey, I can't believe your son is aready 8 months old!!)
