
Monday, December 3

Glory to God in the Highest

I realized today that the Lord preserved our child from much greater damage from Crohn's. We visited our GI doctor in mid-July (only one month before her symptoms began) for the first time. Our middle son had been having bouts of inexplicable vomiting for over a year, and our lackadaisical pediatrician finally agreed to give him a referral to a GI doctor at Johns Hopkins. We went and had some testing done, discovering that he likely has a condition called Cyclical Vomiting which is usually a precursor to migraines (something both my husband and I suffer from). After being blown off by our pediatrician regarding our daughter's worrisome symptoms for two months, I took the bull by the horns and made an appointment with the GI doctor for the beginning of November. Thank God she saw us, agreed that there was something wrong, and ordered testing. If we had not already been patients, we may not have been able to get in so quickly. If we had waited, our poor girl would be in much worse shape!


  1. Oh thank the Lord that y'all were able to get a quick diagnosis!!
    Many prayers for continued healing!

  2. I had a most wonderful pediatrician years ago that always said trust the mother she knows. Don't you wish they were all like that. Blessing my friend.
