
Monday, July 2

Living and Learning: The Week Ahead

In My Knitting Basket:   I have neglected my knitting quite a bit these past weeks.  I have half of a Charlotte Beret on my needles and am determined to get it finished this week!

Watching:  I've finished Fraiser (sob!), so now I find myself casting about  for something new to occupy my time.  I think I may rewatch Foyle's War!

On My Bedside Table:  I am in the midst of listening to The Diary of a Provincial Lady, which is hilarious!  I'm also reading my final Elizabeth Fair book, The Mingham Air.

In Pursuit of Beauty:  I have been trying to take the children somewhere inspiring every week for the past few months and on a whim, I decided that a visit to nearby lavender fields was to be this week's adventure.  A bouquet of freshly picked lavender is just heavenly!

Kitchen and Pantry:  As I mention last week, the children and I went blueberry picking and have quite a few blueberries stored up for the cooler months.  Now that the fast is over, however, I don't think that I can resist the siren call of a blueberry galette!