
Sunday, October 8

A Trip to Terrain and Our Autumnal Porch

Join me as I take a trip to Terrain in Pennsylvania and then bring home mums and pumpkins to decorate our front porch.


  1. It looks so very lovely.

  2. Lovely, thanks for sharing!

    I have still never been to Terrain, though you've mentioned it before, and it looks tempting when I have driven by on our way to Longwood Gardens (we live about an hour north of there, northwest of Philadelphia). We bought a membership at Longwood this last Christmas season, so we should really head down there soon during the fall, and I'll try to plan in a trip to Terrain as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Would you go in with little kids (mine are 8, 6, 4, and 2) or have daddy distract them while I pop in for a brief look? Thanks!

  3. It's all so pretty. The mums are the perfect colour for your porch.

  4. so lovely! well done! finally got to watch this video! a great video and what you did with the mums and pumpkins is so lovely!
