
Saturday, August 27

Winter Woodland Pullover Redux...

I was so excited about this winter woodland pullover when I started it over a year ago, but then I had to frog it after finishing the entire body due to a mistake early in the yoke.  I did re-cast on and got a little done in October, but after awhile I just stopped knitting it in favor of other more interesting projects.  It has been relegated to a basket on my shelf for at least nine months, but when I finished my Riverbank Cowl last week while on the road for Baba's funeral, I somehow rediscovered my knitting mojo.  I dug out this sweater and began knitting on it again (while re-watching The White Queen for the upteenth time) on Friday evening.  Here's hoping that I will be able to complete it before it starts to get chilly...  I have a feeling that it will be a workhorse in my cool weather wardrobe if I can just get it finished!


  1. Should be very a versatile piece! I know you don't much like jeans- but that sweater,skinny jeans and a pair of wellies would be adorable! Especially with your brown longchamp bag!

  2. very nice! personally I think it would be darling with skirts :) hope it works out for you this time! :)
