
Friday, January 1

Eight Maids-a-Milking...

Happy New Year, Friends!

I hope that your day went wonderfully.  Today is the feast of Saint Basil in the Orthodox Church and so we began the day with Liturgy.  We were given a generous gift card to Panera, so we took the children there for lunch and afterward we stopped at the yarn shop in town before going home.  Father John and I watched a movie together in the afternoon while the children played.  I worked on my shawl for a few hours, did a little tidying, and made meatballs and ravioli for dinner.  It was the perfect relaxing day that I have been craving this Christmas season. 

I am so happy that the weather has turned chilly once more...  we had a fire in the hearth for the first time in weeks!  Little Man brought two loads of firewood inside for us all by himself, which was so impressive.  It is really nice to see the children becoming more and more capable.  I need to keep challenging them with new tasks so that they learn to do a wide-variety of different jobs around the house.



  1. so nice!!! I crave some none-busy time too. Won't happen this week, but I will have some 'alone time' Tuesday! and then the following Monday!

  2. It's been so fun to "watch" your children grow!
