
Wednesday, June 11

Yarn Along: Jenny and the Cat Club...

Though we've read it a million times before, we have begun Jenny and the Cat Club again.  We're trying a new New York Review Children's Book every week during the summer, and last week's pick was Jenny's Birthday Book.  It was such a nice little story and it reminded us how much we love that shy little black cat!

I finished up my Seashore Cowl on Monday and immediately cast onto a Baby Fern Washcloth.  I began learning how to knit by making washcloths and we still use the ones that I made two years ago.  They are starting to show their wear, so I bought a huge cone of Peaches and Creme and cast on.  I hope that I have the stamina to knit a huge pile of these...  they are so beautiful!


  1. The washcloth looks beautiful! A pile of them would be stunning to see.

  2. Your washcloth is beautiful - a precious gift!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I never knit pretty patterns for wash clothes, but this one is gorgeous! I might have to take a page from your book and start with the pretty patterns :-)

  5. I began my knitting journey making washcloths too. That is a wonderful pattern.

  6. these look so nice. I have knit a few dishcloths for pattern practice before, but never as washcloths and these are too pretty for spaghetti sauce stains! might have to look up that book, too.
    keep on!!

  7. What a very pretty pattern you are using for your washcloth!

  8. Wash cloths are a perfect way to practice new knitting skills and new stitch patterns. I with you on that.

  9. I love knitting washcloths... they are the most relaxing knit! Even mistakes are no big deal! Haha

  10. Did you use the pattern as written or modify it?...I read that the pattern isn't balanced as written, and I am wondering if you were able to fix that?..If so, how?

    It looks lovely so far :-)
