
Saturday, October 19

Great Beauty of Spirit...

 I have seen great beauty of spirit in some who were great sufferers. I have seen men, for the most part, grow better not worse with advancing years, and I have seen the last illness produce treasures of fortitude and meekness from most unpromising subjects."
C.S. Lewis


  1. Hello! I am an occasional visitor to your blog, but each time I visit I enjoy the glimpses into your world! I think you do a wonderful job of intentional creating a place of beauty for your family.
    I know you have probably mentioned this on another post, but what is the book on the table open to the October page?

    1. Hi Lindsey! Thank you for your kind words! The book is entitled: The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. It is by Edith Holden. We got our copy used on Amazon and really love it!

  2. Thank you! :) I'll put it on my wish list!
