
Tuesday, September 10

Beans: Not Just For Lent...

When I was  a little girl, my mom often set up a little collage activity with beans, pasta, and paper for my sisters and I (and probably my brother, but I was in high school and oblivious).  I remember it being so! much! fun!  I finally got my act together and bought a few bottles of glue and a bag of beans so that my little ones could try it out.  It was the perfect low-key craft activity to work on while we listen to Handel (this month's composer) and decompressed from our schoolwork.  

Lest you think that it is all classical music and quiet industry around here, I should mention that our five year old kept begging me to let them listen to Eye of the Tiger while they worked. 

1 comment:

  1. ahahah
    Eye of the tiger is a motivating song for sure :-)
