
Friday, April 5

Favorite Things: Bean Bags...

A few years ago, my sister asked me what the little ones would like for Christmas, and I suggested bean bags.  She made nine (one of them is hiding somewhere and I couldn't find it for this photo) and they are easily the most played with item in our playroom.  They are used for play food (it is fun to flip them like a pancake!), bean bag tosses, hide-the-bean bag, etc.  I love how they look stacked up on our little piano with Mr. Horsey looking on.  They are such a cheerful sight!


  1. They *do* look cheerful! I like simple toys like this. (:

  2. What a great idea, which I should resurrect. I made many beanbags for my children but I haven't gotten around to it for the grandchildren. Perfect use for all those bright scraps that are a little too bright for other projects.
