
Friday, April 12

A Little Bit of Earth...

There is a small garden that was put in by the previous owners right outside our dining room window that I have claimed for a little flower and herb garden.  Right now it is a patch of weeds and rocks with our bird feeder and birdbath (which is such a lot of fun since the birds have discovered that we have seed and water for them!) set in the center.  Today we added these little potted pansies, a small hydrangea bush from last year, and Sugar Plum's lavender plant.  It doesn't look like much now, but soon it will be something


  1. very nice!! So wonderful to build a garden! sending my warmest wishes to you! :)

  2. Gardens do take time. You start with nothing, and little by little over a period of years, adding, adjusting, you wind up with something beautiful and satisfying, and in the process you become a gardener.

    The nice thing about perennials like the hydrangea and lavender is that they will come back year after year, and you don't have to rethink those spots in your garden. Chives, Chinese chives, mint (which has to be contained or it will take over), lemon balm (which self seeds like crazy), sage, and all kinds of thyme are perennial herbs -- plant once and harvest forever.

  3. i'm a potter since we move so often. it'll look beautiful before you know it!

  4. It's amazing how little a patch of dirt one needs to enjoy the flowers that grow, and the birds that come to visit. You have reminded me that I don't need more (and more and more...)
