
Tuesday, December 18

Saint Juliana...

While we were visiting The Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City this past weekend, we were able to see a beautiful icon of Saint Juliana of Lazarev in the church.  I had never seen it before, and thought that some of you would like to see it!

I had hoped to buy a print of the icon while at the monastery, but there were only two very small ones in stock (the details on this icon are such that a larger icon would be optimal).  One of the nuns directed me to Uncut Mountain Supply where it can be purchased in several different sizes though, so after Christmas I plan on ordering a copy.  I am sorry for the terrible quality of the photos.  They were taken with my mobile phone in dim light while holding a squirmy toddler!


  1. how beautiful! The pictures I think look very good, esp. considering the circumstances! :) Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  2. That is lovely! I would really like to make a trip to that monastery some day.

  3. Oh joy!! I've been looking to purchase a copy of this EXACT icon for over a year now : ) We were able to see it at the monastery last summer although they didn't have any copies of it yet in their bookstore. Thank you so much for sharing the link to Uncut Mountain Supply.

  4. beautiful. i, of course, especially love the one of the family (papa in uniform?).

    ps: i am not an Orthodox Christian, very unfamiliar with it until i 'met' sylvia and found your blog ... i hope i never offend, but your faith is beautiful, and i can't help but comment once in a while.


  5. Wow. Beautiful. I am going to order one for my daughter's name day!
