
Wednesday, November 7

Living and Learning: November...

Archangel Michael
St Nectarios
Saint Martin
Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos
Kursk Root Icon

Purchase last bits of warm clothing for the cold weather
Host in-laws Thanksgiving dinner
Create costumes for the children to wear on Saint Michael's Day
Plan Cleaning List for Nativity Fast
Plan activities for the Nativity Fast and the Twelve Days of Christmas
Plant Bulbs and Pansies
Feather the nest with down blankets for the beds, warm throws for the living room, pajamas and slippers, candles, slippers and a stock of teas and cocoa
Plan Nativity activities
Plan for December's feastdays (Saint Nicholas Day, Saint Herman, Saint Lucia, Christmas) Plan for Little Man's Namesday and Birthday
Knit three little hats for the children and  one for their Papa
Plan celebration for the feast of Saint Martin (Martinmas)
Stock the winter pantry

Native Americans

Try to keep from over scheduling our days... especially keeping the shopping to a minimum

Special Days
2nd Auntie Heather's Birthday
9th Uncle Nick’s Namesday and Birthday
9th Jacob's Birthday
11th Veterans Day
17th National Bread Baking Day
20th Uncle Gregory’s Namesday
22nd Thanksgiving

28th Full Beaver Moon

Practice being still and quiet during services and prayers

Practice patience and love towards one another
Learn to Sing "Beneath Thy Compassion"
The Sign of the Cross for Button
Nature table scene
Seasonal book basket
Celebrate the feast of Saint Michael

Celebrate Martinmas
Encourage imaginative play 

Take nature walks through the woods
Polish wooden toys together
The Tree of Jesse - Christmas Preparation
Celebrate the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos

Tidy bedrooms each morning  
Tidy the playroom each afternoon
Put Away Own Laundry 
Work on Letters and Numbers with Little Man
Use the Moveable Alphabet with Sugar Plum
Attend Homeschooling Evaluation on the 15th
Visit a Local Native American Museum


  1. I am always inspired by this monthly post.

  2. P.S. Is that a real pumpkin in the picture? Did you carve it yourself? It's just lovely!

  3. what a lovely list... lots to be thankful for!

  4. Our friend carved the pumpkin:
