
Wednesday, October 3

Yarn Along...

This week was a big one!  I bought the pattern for the Milo Vest, got some yarn and a circular needle, and needed two people to repeatedly talk me through things. It took five tries, but I finally go through the yoke. Then last night, I figured out how to do the shoulder straps (using this video), joining for the body (using this one), and began knitting the body of the vest (which I am doing without any cables).  I can see lots of mistakes, but I am hoping to get better by knitting a few more.

We are listening to These Happy Golden Years in the car and have just begun Beezus and Ramona


Come tell us what you are reading and knitting!


  1. really enjoying hearing of your knitting progress! very fun!

  2. Congrats on your progress! I bet the next one you knit will be so easy.

  3. i'm so impressed with your knitting efforts. I started a scarf about four years ago and still haven't finished it. . . .

  4. So many folks working on Milo vests! I really like the color you chose. Gonna have to get the pattern. Looking forward to seeing yours finished.

  5. Super cute! It's such a blessing to have videos to watch isn't it? I wouldn't be able to knit without them. Can't see any mistakes in the picture. Happy knitting!

  6. How funny! My girls have been listening to the Ramona series nonstop lately (the one read by Stockard Channing is great!).

    If your kids ever want a postcard from Portland, aka "Ramona's city", just let me know! :)

  7. I've been enjoying seeing your progress on instagram! Your milo looks really great!

  8. Great Job!!! Your knitting looks wouldn't know it that you needed any look like a professional!!!


  9. I'm impressed! Still working on my first dishcloth, lol. (c;
