
Friday, October 5

From House to Church: Gold-Leafing Icons...

When we moved into the church rental several years ago, we bought a set of icons for the iconastas that was printed on canvas.  While they are very nice, they had a goldenrod color used for the background instead of gold-leaf.  Recently, one of our parishioners from Romania came back with a fiancee!  She is highly skilled iconographer and when someone in our parish found this out, Father John was asked  if he would allow them to pay for gold-leafing the icons !  Yes, please!!  So, we have an iconographer working (literally around the clock!) and living with us for the next few days.  It is really neat to watch the process, and we are fortunate that this lady welcomes our little ones into her work room to watch her. I'll be sure to show more photographs as she puts the finishing touches on the icons!


  1. How neat! I'm sure it's thrilling for the kids to watch. (:

  2. gold leafing is an amazing process in iconography - especially if she is using clay bole and breathing techniques - that was the most beautiful moment for me in learning iconography, that humbling deep breathing over the icon to warm the clay! These icons are beautiful already, they will be amazing with the gold leaf!
