
Tuesday, July 24

Learning How to Use a Drop Spindle...

My sister, Kate, was visiting us for a few days with her husband and their little one this past weekend.  While she was here, she took some time to teach Sugar Plum how to use a drop spindle!  Kate has been teaching herself how to spin yarn for the past few months and is already making a little dress for her baby to wear out of her homemade yarn!  Sugar Plum made a little bit of green yarn and then they worked on making some pink.  It was so much fun that we may try it on our own sometime soon!


  1. How neat!!! yay for sisters! glad for this blessing!

  2. my kids just love doing this too! And it's fairly easy if you love the lumpy yarn (which we do!) Great photos.

  3. It was a great weekend, Elizabeth!

    Marcia, I really want to try using a drop spindle! It looked like a lot of fun!
