
Saturday, February 4

Commitment to Loveliness: Week of February 5th...

1. Take Care of Some Personal Maintenance: Little Man needs a hair cut and I need to groom my eyebrows

2. Visit the Jewlery Store: I need a new watch battery, to get the children's new crosses attached to their amber necklaces, and to have my engagement ring and wedding band cleaned and checked to see if repairs are needed

3. Rainboots: Look into purchasing new rain boots for Sugar Plum and check the clothing bins for a pair for Button

4. Plan Some Delicious Meals for our Fast Free Week

5. Finish Organizing the Master Bathroom


Please join me in making a Commitment to Loveliness! This is a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in one's life each week without much effort! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!
Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and let us know in the comments section. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section.


  1. thanks for the accountability!

  2. I have read your other post on this subject and it is a good challenge for the week. Thanks

  3. I am going to give my hands (especially my nails!) some TLC and paint them a cheerful colour. I'm also going to finish sewing my new handerchief (green with lilac hemming).
