
Thursday, January 12

Tea Time...

Tea, a bit of chocolate, Theophany roses, and the January issue of Britan's Country Living... a little
calm amid the chaos!


What little treats perk you up on a rough day?


  1. I like sitting down, curling my feet under me, and knitting in peace. And, yes, I often have a cup of tea at that time as well.

  2. Your tea-time relaxation ritual looks similar to what mine used to be: tea, chocolate, and the new/current issue of Victoria magazine.

    Hope the chaos calms soon...wait, you have three young children. May your supply of tea, chocolate, and Country Living issues endure.

    (another) Elizabeth

  3. Where do you find the Britain's Country Living magazine?

  4. Lovely color choices! I particularly like the pale violet. My daughter's room is a gentle pink, but that violet is lovely. Like a deep breath!
