
Friday, November 11

Happy Martinmas to You!

Today didn't go as I had planned it, but somehow it was better. The little ones received new slippers and we had a friend from church come over with her two children. We served peanut butter and jam, chips, and apple crisp... perfect for the cold weather that blew in overnight. We were car-less today (it is in the shop), so we all snuggled down for a long nap this afternoon rather than getting out to Goodwill for the clothing donation. Is there anything cozier than sleeping with three little ones in the big bed? We are waiting for Papa to return with the car before I take the older two out for a quick lantern walk in the neighborhood. Then it is baths, a story, and bed. The perfect day.


  1. lovely; sounds like a very good day indeed. today I got to hold my godbaby at just 1 month 1 day old and it was beautiful.

  2. Sorry to comment on an unrelated post! I just wondered if you plan to do any posts about Advent/Christmas/Epiphany. If so, I'm going to be running a "Nativity Carnival" each week Advent - Epiphany (actually starting now) Here's the first post:

    You don't have to post every week, of course! I hope you'll join me!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thank you for the invitation, Kerry! I may be able to join in later in the month of December, but we are very busy with a move these next few weeks!
