
Thursday, April 7

Her Very Own Little Bedroom...

And when she opened the door... she saw...

Her own little cot-bed with the green coverlet on, just inside. And the little square window with the green curtains blowing in the wind, And a yellow pot of nasturtiums on the sill. And the little green chest of drawers with the robin cloth on it. And the little green mirror hanging on the primrose wall, with Milly-Molly-Mandy's own face reflected in it.

And then Milly-Molly-Mandy knew that the little storeroom was to be her very own little bedroom, and she said, "Oh-h-h-h!" in a very hushed voice, as she looked all round her room."
Joyce Lankester Brisley


Sugar Plum and I have been reading The Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook recently and have been so enjoying the quaint, wholesome stories. There are a few books that we read over and over, never growing tired of the tales. This is one of them.


  1. Darn, our library system doesn't have it... I might try to purchase one soon, I saw her trademark doll on ebay, too cute.

  2. We LOVE Milly Molly Mandy, and truly never tire of her. Both of the books are good friends of ours. :)

  3. I will have to keep this one in mind. I know my daughter would love it. Thanks for sharing!

