
Wednesday, February 2

I'm Reading a Book...

This is particularly funny to me since my mother used to punish us by taking away our books when we were little... I would consider the education of my children a success if I could do the same!


  1. I got grounded from books, too. I learned to sneak them into my waistband and go into the bathroom for several hours.

    Now that I think of it, my first sleepover I stayed up all night reading the little girl's books and scared the mother when she came down to make breakfast for us.

    Today I lay on his bed while Teddy handed me books for me to read to him for about an hour. :)

  2. Oh, how I used to read! Then, my vision changed drastically for a few years (need bifocals in 7th grade, but they didn't really help me) and reading would give me headaches and make me dizzy. I miss reading.

    I hope my children love reading.

  3. I used to sneak books to the dinner table and put them on my lap. With four other children at the table and loud ones at that, sometimes it was a while before anyone would notice. (c; I also had an early bedtime - in the summer the sun was still up - so I would stick my head around the shade and read until it was too dark to see. I've been known to take books into the bathtub - as recently as two nights ago. I can feel another bath coming on...

  4. Ahhhh... books and a long bath! my favorite, Matushka!

    My word verification is: matub!

  5. My mom used to say to me, "Put down that book and do something useful. Do some math problems."

    And I really should have listened to my mother, because I'm horrible at math.

