
Sunday, February 27

Button at Eight and a Half Months...

Our little one is getting so big, so fast! He is now sitting up unaided, eating little bits of cereal and apple or pear sauce, and grabbing at anything he can get his hands on! We are still waiting for his teeth to come in (our babies teeth very late!) and are enjoying the fact that he cannot crawl yet (the house is not baby-proofed in the least). Button loves playing with his sister and brother and truly enjoys listening to books and playing with toys. Bathtime is his favorite time of day. It is so cute to see him waving his arms and legs in an effort to splash the water. We have recently been getting a lot of belly laughs from Button, which is a huge treat since he is Mr. Serious. Any time people coo and smile at him when we are out and about, he surprises them with a somber expression - it is rare for anyone other than family to get him to crack a smile! Button's new trick is to stick out his tongue like a little lizard. He cracks us all up! He is a sweet little baby and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!