
Monday, December 6

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

We had such a lovely day that started with treats in our shoes and Divine Liturgy for Saint Nicholas and ended with a special dinner and our storybooks about this holy saint! How do you celebrate the feast?


  1. We didn't do anything very exciting. My first is still to little to appreciate it. We had some chocolate coins and I dressed the baby in a cute little "Santa Claus" outfit that her grandmother bought for her (it may well be outgrown before Christmas).

  2. My husband and I woke early to do the Office of Reading in peace and quiet and make gingerbread pancakes with pears and whipped cream. The children woke to treats (chocolate coins and candy canes) and letters from St. Nicholas in their stocking. Then, we all had breakfast together, and the children and I went to Mass. At home, we read stories from our Learning Basket about the wonderful saint. And, we had tuna noodle casserole for dinner to celebrate St. Nicholas's patronage of the sea! It was a wonderful day.

  3. The candy canes are such a nice addition. I'll have to remember that for next year. I wrote about how we celebrated the day here;

    I'm so glad we've made celebrating this feast day a new family tradition!

  4. Sounds like such a fun day and tradition with the little ones!

  5. All the boys had treats in their stockings: new ornaments, chocolate, and a few other small items. We made St. Nicholas cookies, read our St. Nicholas books again (Santa Who is this year's newest and favorite) and played outside in our first real snowfall of the season!

  6. The boys woke up to shoes full of snacks and a couple little gifts... then the morning was spent playing with the gifts after we read over the story of St. Nicholas' life. We did a few lessons during the day... and in the evening we hung our St. Nicholas ornament on our Jesse Tree after our regular Jesse Tree time. It's beginning to feel like The Nativity is just around the corner! :)

    +nonna :)

  7. I know you posted this about St Nicholas a bit ago, but I wanted to share our traditions for other parishes to think about for next year, or way off in the future. We celebrate the feast day of St Nicholas with a liturgy on the 6th, but then always choose a Sunday night, usually the closest one right after the 6th for a huge open celebration. We invite people from all over our city to join us... The children sing songs, the adults sing songs, the audience sings along and our priest is the MC. He does ridiculous goofy stunts, and tells some of the stories of the real Saint Nicholas. Everyone brings lenten treats to share, and at the end of the singing a Real Saint Nicholas comes to greet everyone. He wears a red bishop's robe, carries a cross and he then gives gifts to every child. --chocolate coins, and small icons, and inexpensive crosses. It's a huge outreach event for our parish, filling the church with families from all sectors of our city. It's a big job to organize, but wow, what a tradition. There are always hymns intermixed with jingle bells, and professional musicians playing alongside the little five year old on the recorder. Very lovely...

    Anyway, just wanted to share :) Happy Advent to all of you!
