
Sunday, November 14

A Revelation...

So, this morning was a regular Sunday morning for us... the alarm goes off at 6:15 and Father John and I roll out of bed at 6:30. The goal is to get out the door by 7:30, so we have to hustle to get five people dressed and presentable in an hour.

What was different about today was that I did not do my usual homemaking routine (dishes, laundry, pick up) before I fell into bed last night. Since the children were still just waking up when I got out of bed, I zoomed around finishing up what I hadn't done the night before. I tossed wet clothes into the dryer and filled the washer back up to wash another load, quickly rinsed off the dishes in the sink and started the dishwasher, and then I raced around and picked up around the main living space of the house. By this time, the children were awake, so I quickly tidied the bedroom and made the bed while Sugar Plum and Little Man straightened their little beds. When I glanced at the clock, I was worried that we would be in trouble with the time and the fact that the children and I weren't dressed, but I was shocked to find that it was only 6:50. Only 20 minutes had passed!

For me, this is proof that I waste my time in the mornings. Often, we are up by 6:30 0r 7, but my morning routine (which is basically what I mentioned above plus breakfast, family prayers, and folding a little laundry) isn't done until 10 or 11. Bad, bad, bad! I hope that this little revelation will help me motivate myself to do better in the morning. I find that the children are at their freshest first thing, and if I can get the few things that I need to keep the house running smoothly accomplished within twenty or thirty minutes, then things will be a lot easier.

I haven't done many posts on homemaking in awhile, and I've gotten a few questions about how I do things. I am hoping to write a few posts on the topic this coming week... Hopefully, you won't be bored to tears!


  1. wow! I wish I had that type of energy in the morning!

    Happy for you finding out what works well for you and your family. That's really great!

  2. I'm looking forward to your posts this coming week!

  3. I like your homemaking posts. It helps me to have a better understanding about what is realistic homemaking in a day or week. I suffer from having an unrealistic vision and thus am paralyzed by it. Even just this post was helpful to me. I know too that I could get so much accomplished in a short amount of time and then have the time to be and do with my children.

  4. I'm looking forward to them.

  5. I tend to do the dishes in the morning rather than at night.

  6. I'm always surprised about how little time most chores require once I get started, it's the getting started that wastes most of my time! I'm looking forward to your posts on this, I've got my pen and paper ready!

  7. I've always enjoyed your homemaking posts. They inspire me to list and plan and take care of things to make our home more comfortable and relaxing.

    The news that you may do more homemaking posts in the future is very welcome!
