
Monday, October 18

Artist's Nook...

With autumn weather officially here, I have been looking for ways to make things more inviting indoors. It is so comforting to me to feather our nest and make our home more useful and beautiful. I took our paper organizer (a birthday gift from my parents the first year I began teaching) out of the cabinet it was in and placed it on the children's table for easier access. It also makes a handy spot for an artist's tableau: small lamp, jar full of scissors, our crayon caddy, and an art viewer from the Musée d'Orsay (a souvenir from my sister's trip to Paris). I really like the color these supplies bring to this small spot in our home and hope that it will draw the little ones in.


  1. It looks very inviting and interesting

  2. It is very inviting! Quick questions- what rules and consequences do you have to keep them from dumping out all the paper and coloring on the walls? My little one loves to color, but I have to keep everything up because of her tremendous need to decorate our walls :)


  3. what a beautiful space! I love the fresh crayons lined up by colour. We have recently created an art room in our home. I tried to have the kids art things in the same space, but they kept making a huge mess all over the floor. So now it's Mommy's art room. Like Shana, I am curious about how you keep the space looking nice!

  4. Thanks for all of your kind comments!

    As far as keeping things looking good, I find that the paper is generally kept neat. The crayon caddy gets a bit messy, so once a week or so, I tidy it up with my daughter. I think that the biggest problem for my children is taking out the crayons and markers that they want and not returning them to the caddy. After an art session, there are art supplies everywhere. They know how to clean it all up though and usually do it once I've reminded them.

    As far as the paper goes, I am pretty relaxed about how they use it. They know that they are supposed to take one sheet at a time. When they are done with their work, we clean everything up together and return any pieces of paper that are unused/not used enough to the paper organizer for next time. I do need to add a wastepaper basket to the space to make that easier though!

  5. Nice! fall is a great time to have art things out... Wishing you a very good week with God's peace in the centre of it!

  6. So pretty! I'd love to do that but my two little boys would be cutting each other's hair and coloring all over the walls the second I walked away to wash some dishes! :)

  7. This is wonderful. when my kids were smaller I always had my kitchen bay window filled with art supplies for them to use. Crayons, markers, paper, crafts books, all sorts of paper, you name it, we had it. Both they and I enjoyed it.

    As far as restricting usage of the supplies? Never a need to do so. Given the freedom to create whenever the muse struck made for wonderful times and not a single artistic endeavour on the walls! I miss all of this fun!!!

  8. Beautiful!

    Question: what do you do with their "art"? Even THEY most of the time don't want to keep it, I find... but I still have trouble throwing it away!

  9. The tile covered children's table is such a good fit for an art space!
