
Wednesday, July 7

All in a Day...

I've been a little obsessed with Nikki McClure's illustrations lately (isn't Mimi lucky to live near her?) . I first saw her book, Mama, is it Summer Yet? at a little bookstore near the ocean and we were all so excited when we eventually bought it. I ordered a copy of the book she illustrated for Cynthia Rylant, All in a Day sight unseen (a first for me since it was an expensive hardcover book!) and was so happy to find that we LOVE it! It is a sweet little book about seizing the day... a child's version of Father Stephen's recent post entitled Here and Now. I would recommend this book to anyone whether you have children to read it to or not!


  1. I'll have to check this one out. I love the illustrations, too.

  2. Can't wait to find this one! It looks lovely...

  3. I have loved Nikki McClure's illustrations. I just noticed that she did the illustrations for a biography on St. Herman!
