
Monday, May 10


Knockout Roses!

Irises! I was so excited to see that this mysterious plant had flowers!

Our hydrangea bush is bursting with buds! I cannot wait for them to bloom!

This little Christmas tree outgrew it's original container, so we found this new planter and bought some vines to surround the tree with. I love how it came out! I am thinking that it might look nice to have one on either side of the door. I'll have to track down a tree that matches first though.

We moved our bird feeders to the backyard. Though I really liked them in the front, the birds were making a bit of a mess. I think that they look okay in the tall grass that is growing at the edge of our property. I would love to mow it all the grass down, but the ground is lumpy and rocky and it is going to take quite a bit of work to get it looking nice. We are thinking that it might look nice to plant wildflowers or sunflowers amid the grass.


  1. You have been quite busy in the garden as well! Looks great!

  2. I think wildflowers or sunflowers would love great against the fence! The whole yard looks great. We haven't planted anything yet-- it snowed again over the weekend and it's in the 20s this morning. Brrr! Definitely waiting until Memorial Day weekend this year!

  3. I love wildflowers so that gets my vote.

    I have a black thumb so I'm hoping one of my children inherits my mother's talent. We put in some vegetables yesterday evening but I haven't posted about it yet. We're total novices!

  4. Everything looks just lovely. I found at Home Depot this weekend different sunflower seed packets. One was a variety pack to grow many sunflowers of different heights, shades and sizes. They also sold a hummingbird and butterfly seed mix which included seeds of the wildflowers that attract them. Wouldn't that be wonderful? They were all Burpee seed packets.I just ordered their free catalog.

  5. I love the roses. We are trying to figure out our gardening for our new home and I never realized how hard it actually is. But yesterday I told my husband that I definitely want roses!! We will see what happens. Have a great week!

  6. Nice!! Flowers are such wonderful things! I love iris and roses ... :)

  7. I love what you've done to your yard. Love the bird feeders and the baby Christmas tree.

