
Monday, August 31

Learning Basket: Apples...

Well, the baskets are packed, but we can still do a low-key theme this week! We'll be reading the books that you see here as well as a few that I hope to borrow from the library later in the week. I recently found Apples for Everyone at Barnes and Noble and loved the book! It is full of gorgeous photography and easy to understand information on apples. There are several other books in their series for the season of Autumn that we will read later as well (one on Pumpkins and a phenomenal one on Pilgrims!). I plan to try to fit in apple printing, apple snacking (I found little containers of caramel dipping sauce at the market today, and a few games of hide the apple (we'll take turns hiding the apple somewhere in a room while the others keep their eyes closed and then try to find it). I'd also like to try to introduce using an apple slicer to Sugar Plum, but I'm not sure if she has the strength to push it down through the apple. If I had time to order an apple peeler and I thought that we would get enough use out of it, what a neat addition to this week's activities it would be!

I'm saving the sour cream apple pie making for a few weeks... I can't wait!

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