
Friday, March 27

The Romanov Bride...

I finished reading this book earlier this week and I can honestly say that I can highly recommend it! I have wanted to read it for awhile now, but had yet to get a copy through Paperback Swap when I came across it at BJ's. I bought it with a little trepidation because I wasn't sure how a secular writer could pen a novel about a Orthodox Saint and have it be done reverently. While this book is clearly a novel, I loved how the author used Saint Elisabeth's own writings and interviews to weave a story about the saint's life during the Revolution. I also liked the addition of the fictional character Pavel into the story and felt that it added something to my knowledge of this horrifying time in history. I hope that you have the chance to pick this book up. It is a quick and very interesting read!


  1. This looks fascinating! Thank you for recommending it - I'm adding it to my wish list :)

  2. Thanks for your recommendation. The book is a well written historical fiction piece- and led me to read his other novels.

  3. I very much agree - his other novels, while very good, did not treat Orthodoxy as beautifully and searingly as this one did - it was a truly Orthodox novel, even though it was secular.

    It is definitely on my keeper list, I can see reading it again.

  4. Hi Emma,

    This book sounds good. Is there anything in it that should concern me if I were to give copies to my daughter and daughter in law? You never know with even some very good novels, so I'd love to hear your opinion.

    (I know this post is from March, but I just found it.)


  5. Hi Elizabeth!

    Hope all is well with you!

    Both my husband and I read it and enjoyed it a lot. There are one or two instances in the book with profanity, but other than that the book is really good and pretty religious in nature. Since it was written for a secular audience, I don't think that your daughters will have problems with understanding the religious aspects of the book.


