
Friday, March 20

Housekeeping Questions...

1. How often do you vacuum your carpets? Do you do it because they need it or because it is the time to do it on your homemaking schedule?

2. Do you allow your children to eat snacks or drink wherever they want or do they have to be sitting down at the table or at least in the kitchen?

I am trying to rethink some things around here and am just wondering what you do:)


  1. I vacuum when it needs it, which is pretty much daily here. The older boys are not allowed to eat in the living room or their rooms, only the dining room, unless it is a special occasion (movie night). Plain water is welcome in the rest of the house. With the baby(almost two), it is a free for all. Usually around 3 I start moving them into following the house rules. Although, if I tell him "leave your drink on the table" he usually obeys.

  2. 1. My child who is assigned vacuuming the carpets does it every day. Under couches every other day. I vacuum about twice a week because boys don't have the same attention to detail as Moms *smile* (but they still do a good job).
    2. I don't mind a snack int he TV area now and again. They older kids know that this means they must clean up the mess and I know that if the little ones are allowed a snack while watching a movie then I will clean up their mess. Usually snacks are only allowed at the table or anywhere outside is fine!
    Does that help?
    I love the photo at the top of todays post~!

  3. 1. When it needs it, which is ALWAYS.

    2. They eat EVERYWHERE, which is the biggest reason vacuuming is needed all the time ... I need to rethink some things, as well!

  4. I vacuum the kitchen every day (or just sweep if it's not too bad). Other rooms are scheduled unless they're pretty bad then I'll do as-needed (that mostly applies to the playroom). Some areas are definitely not at the top of my priority list (e.g. the stairs) so I often skip them and catch up as-neeeded.

    Snacks are eaten all over the place! They typically aren't messy though: apple slices, cheese, crackers, water. Since I do a snack tray and DS1 is a grazer, this works. Since we mostlty have hard floors they're super-easy to clean. If it was carpet maybe I'd change that. Meals are eaten at the kitchen table or the child-sized table. I don't want pizza traveling! Plus, if I made a snacks only at table/in kitchen rule, I'd feel like we should ALL follow it and I know my DH and I would never remember!

  5. Well, I have no born children yet, and live in a tiny, one bedroom apartment. We JUST got a vaccum after six months of marriage!

    I am about five months pregnant and work full-time until baby comes, have a lot of "extra" work in that I make everything, including yogurt and all our bread, from scratch, and hang our laundry, etc, so I've finally made myself a housekeeping schedule that I try to stick to pretty strictly, because if I don't do my one "chore" each day, the tiny apartment quickly looks like a bomb hit it, and I get super tired and overwhelmed trying to do everything on Saturday. I finally decided it was easier to exert myself for an extra half hour at the end of my busy day than try and do it all on my day "off." So I vaccum once a week, even if it starts to look a little dirty before then. I figure this is not the season in my life to be too hard on myself about having perfect floors. I'll bet when I'm home with the children (and their are children to make it dirtier) I'll vaccum two or three times a week.

    I think snacks will probably be limited to table/kids' tables, or outside unless there's a special occasion (like movie night, or a carpet picnic, etc.) I just hate having food all over the place.

  6. I just vacuum whenever it needs it, although I admit that I should probably have a better schedule for upstairs rooms, which don't get many cooties but do collect hairs and such that don't show. I also admit that our main rooms seem to need vacuuming worse right before people are coming over. ;)

    I'm pretty bad about snacks; my son roams the house with them. If it's something messy, I contain him to the kitchen, but if it's a rice cake or Cheerios, I just clean up the mess afterwards. I'm thinking that won't work well when we have more kids.

  7. We sweep 2x daily (am and pm) We vacuum at least once weekly, although that may change since we are removing the carpets to use our HARDWOOD Flooring that is hidden underneith(just bought the home in September and what a discovery this was in Feb when we were revamping my DD bedroom)

    As far as snacks go and eating it is mainly at the kitchen table unless I give permission in the LIVING ROOM during a Movie thing but they have to sit on the floor which is at this moment still carpet

  8. I vacuum about once a week or a little less often on the carpet. I keep a small Shark vac in the kitchen that DD can use (she's 5) and it helps for a quick pick-up. Food is eaten at the table, minus a snack once in a while on the couch. Only water is allowed on the carpet except for special picnic dinners in front of the TV.

  9. 1. I vaccuum every Wednesday for sure (it's my deep cleaning day). I also vaccuum before guests come over and as needed (usually 2 more times a week). I try to sweep the kitchen and dining room (wood & tile) every day.

    2. Sophia can drink (milk or water) anytime she wants throughout the day, anywhere. We use a sippy cup. She has to eat all meals at the table WITH US, and the only snack she can have elsewhere than the table is sliced apple, which she has to keep on a saucer.


  10. 1. I 'run the sweeper' every day. I (try) to sweep the kitchen everyday. The hardwood areas are dustmopped twice a week and cleaned weekly.

    2. If the snack is portable and non-messy we have always let them eat in the downstairs area of the house. NO FOOD ever upstairs or in bedrooms. When we homeschooled there was also a 'no food in the schoolroom' rule. If it is a sit down snack-it has to be eaten at the dining room table.

  11. After reading all these comments I found out what I thought to be true! Just do what makes YOU comfortable and happy as a mom! I was much more strict with my first child about food, but found that the food battle is just not worth my effort. I sit the girls down at the table most of the time, but I'm not upset when they move around a bit. If we are all eating together it is never a problem (maybe because I still strap my youngest in). Some kids only eat on the go...

    As for cleaning, you impress me with your cleaning schedule, but I've found with my spontaneous personality, there are much better things to do than vacuum. However, like I said in the first place, it's what you can stand and what makes YOU happy. Happy moms are much easier to live with and learn from. :)

  12. We almost always vacuum the living room in the late afternoon so it looks nice when DH walks in the house. He doesn't care if it's not done but he notices when it is so I like to do it :D The bedrooms (we have 2) and my sewing room get it about once or twice a month. It should be more often but we spend so little time in those rooms during the day (and the sewing room is very low traffic and get messy almost instantly anyway with threads and whatnot). I do the kitchen floors not nearly often enough. My boys (almost 8 and just turned 6) are learning to vacuum and if they do it several days in a row I will usually do it myself the 3rd or 4th day to get the edges done well.

  13. I vacuum nearly every day (some super-busy days I don't get around to it) and sometimes twice a day. In between, I use the hand-vac. I also mop my kitchen floor nearly every day (sometimes twice) and I vacuum and wash the bathroom floor nearly every day. I probably wouldn't be this fussy if my daughter wasn't crawling.

    I try to keep my son at the table for his meals, but snacks are usually taken in the living room, where he's usually playing. Drinks in regular cups remain at the dining room table or in the kitchen, but drinks in sippy cups may be carried around the house.

  14. I vacuum as little as I can get away with -- on hard surfaces, I only vacuum if I'm vacuuming rugs, otherwise I use a broom or a dustmop -- because I can't stand the racket vacuum cleaners make. I have what was billed as a "quiet" model, and even that's too noisy for me. Since we don't have carpets, just area rugs, I may just invest in a carpet sweeper and be done with vacuuming altogether.

    When my kids were little, we just didn't have snacks. When they were older, and needed extra food to keep them going between meals, they were expected to clean up after themselves. They were pretty good about it.

  15. we have 2 cats and 2 dogs so i need to vacuum and sweep at least once a day.

    my toddler eats at the kitche table and can have certain snacks in the play area high up where the baby can't reach them. we can't eat elsewhere i nthe house due to the dogs. hmmm, i'm not making the dogs sound to good right now huh? LOL

  16. I vacuum downstairs every day.. we have 2 cats a dog and 3 kids, so it needs to be done. Upstairs I do once a week.

    Snacks and drinks are only allowed in the dining room or kitchen. If we are having a movie night I'll bend the rules a little and they can have a snack in there along w/ water, all other drinks have to be consumed in the dining room.

  17. 1. We have a yellow dog and 4 kids...vacuuming daily is a necessity. We have 4pm chores and it's done at that time so it looks tidy when dad gets home.
    2. We TRY to follow a strict at the table rule. There are exceptions like illness and movie night with popcorn.

  18. Hey, I'm new to your blog but am loving it.

    I sweep the kitchen after each meal and vacuum the living room once a day. Every other room is pretty much weekly (as needed).

    We've just put the nix on eating food in the bedrooms. My son's room was turning into a sty. However, we all eat in the living room and family room on occasion. But now that it is warming up, snack time will begin to head outdoors. Yay!

  19. I vacuum the common areas every other day, and the bedrooms 1-2 a week, as needed.

    My child (who is 2) is allowed to eat in certain places - on a certain blanket in the living room, standing beside "his shelf" in the kitchen, or in his seat at the dining room table. We started this as soon as he was old enough to eat food and it has served us very well. He has been allowed to drink wherever he wants, but that's because he still uses a sippee cup. I'm sure that rule won't last forever.

  20. I should preface this with the admission that I am a horrible housekeeper.
    1. Vacuuming when it needs it (which could be weekly or twice in a day if a plant gets dumped or something). Personally, I love that with the hose attachment, I can quickly take care of dumped cheerios or whatnot without having to actually pick up the floor (isn't that horrible? haha).
    2. My son, who is two, eats wherever. Meals, I am working on the high chair thing, snacks are usually just in whatever room I'm in.
    When the rest of the house is better, I'm going to try and set up a snack center of sorts in the kitchen on a shelf he can reach. Until then, it's priority Z.
    Cleaning is my big Lenten project too.
