
Sunday, March 22

Happy Birthday, Papa!!

As true Orthodox Christians, we celebrated Fr. John's birthday on March 20th (the pre-feast), March 21st (the feast) and we will be celebrating some more with dinner out today (the post-feast)! 31 looks good on him!


  1. I didn't realize your husband and I share a birthday! Let me know if you'd like a applesauce cake recipe (lenten). Happy post-festal birthday to your husband!

  2. Happy Birthday to Fr. John. May God grant him Many Years! I love your extended celebration. We always end up doing the same thing. Doug calls it his "birthday week." He's tried to extend it to a month but I told him not to push it. ;)

    Thanks for the prayers for my grandmother. Her name is Mary. I'll be praying for Carole as well.

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday and Many Years to Father!
