
Friday, March 6

Bloggy Giveaway!

To celebrate my 29th birthday, I would like to give two of my readers a copy of one of McCormick and Schmick's cookbooks. The first winner will receive a hardcover copy of their Seafood Restaurant Cookbook and the second winner will receive a softcover copy of their Special Edition Seafood restaurant cookbook. I will draw the winners at 8:00pm on Sunday evening! Good Luck!


  1. I would like to have my name put in for the seafood cookbooks. I am very lacking in knowledge of preparing seafood properly. Actually, to be honest, I usually default to what comes in a box in the frozen food section. I think that we would eat more seafood if I knew how to prepare it...

  2. Either one would be appreciated! Thanks for the opportunity! Happy Birthday!

  3. I've always wanted to eat at one of their restaurants--I'd love a cookbook.

    Happy Birthday!

  4. My family loves seafood and I am always at a loss on recipes. Please put me in your drawing.

  5. Happy Birthday!
    Our family loves seafood. Mmmm.
    Please add me to the giveaway!!

  6. My birthday is the 5th also. Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, dear Matushka! Many Years!

    Since I don't eat seafood, I'll pass on the drawing.

  8. Sounds excellent. Happy Birthday!

  9. I am a new reader of your blog, but I would like to wish you many happy returns, and to enter your drawing... the books sound excellent. :)

  10. Breaking away from lurking in order to comment for one of these cookbooks!!! My son has eaten there and is desperate for his parents to try it out, it would be such fun to recreate a restaurant meal at home so that we can all "eat there" because I can't ever see myself taking 9 kids *smile*!!

  11. Hi Emma -

    Please enter me in your draw. Seafood dishes have always been a challenge to me - sounds like this would be helpful!

  12. Happy Birthday! 29, wow, that's the one you want to keep for awhile, lol (long time ago for me). I could use one of these cookbooks, especially since it's Lent. Thanks.

  13. Happy Birthday! May God grant you Many Years!
