
Thursday, February 5

Homemade Bread...

I am always on the quest for good recipes and this one is a keeper! Hannah posted a video by the authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day and adds her baking notes. The result is bread awesome bread that is crusty and delicious - it's like picking up a loaf of bread from your local bakery! Please try it and let me know what you think!!


  1. I'm so excited that you posted this! Holden and I are going to make the 3 little bears out of bread but I wasn't sure what bread recipe would be tasty.

  2. I received this book for my birthday last year and I don't think I've ever used a birthday gift more. It's amazing to have such good bread every day with so little work. I'm hooked! I hardly ever knead anymore.

    If you care to see one of my first loaves, I have a picture here.

  3. I just borrowed this book from the library. Can't wait to try it! Your bread looks awesome!

  4. We do this too! LOVE it

  5. I can't wait to try this! I am a total bread-addict.

  6. Yum!
    Could you please e-mail me photos of the things I've made the babies--like the pumpkin hat and white baby blanket? I'm trying to get together a portfolio of all my little projects.

  7. Finally tried this today! Delicious! I'm going to bake another load in the morning.

  8. I have been loving this recipe too. I also learned it from Hannah's blog, but just got the book from the library - I am looking forward to trying some variations!
