
Saturday, February 21

Creating a Child Friendly Environment: Play Kitchen

I was in a re-arranging mood the other day and tried changing the play kitchen around. Putting it on a chest with more "counter" space and lots of drawers for food and other kitchen essentials has been great for our little ones. They love the space and the fact that it is a little closer to the ground than the nightstand we had it on before. I love the wood combination and that it fills up that small wall in our kitchen so well! It is always amazes me that children get more interested in something when it is arranged in a pretty and organized manner - even if it takes a little more effort to keep it that way!

Yes, Little Man is perched on a kitchen chair which I normally do not allow someone who is so unsteady on his feet to do...


  1. It looks lovely, Emma!

  2. Your pictures are always so beautiful. They remind me of the Montessori books I read, which emphasize making beauty and cleanliness a normal part of children's lives.

  3. Where did that sweet little kitchen come from?

  4. What a nice kitchen! I found a plastic children's kitchen unit at a garage sale for only $10.00. Sometimes I regret buying it because it's one of those plastic units. I'd rather have a nice, simple wooden one. But, it was in great shape, and a great price and my son loves it! I'm sure my daughter will, too, when she's old enough to play with it.

    Of course, I let my son work beside me in the real kitchen as much as possible. :)

  5. Hi Kat! I bought it over a year ago through Amazon on clearence of all places. It is no longer on the site though. Unfortunately, there is no company name for me to give you, but here's a similar one:

  6. That really is a lovely display. I particularly like the sweet runner you placed. How special the kids must feel cooking at this kitchen!
