
Monday, December 1

Preparing for Nativity: Day One...

I've written out two lists for these next few weeks leading up to Christmas. One has all of the fun things that I'd like to do with the children: decorating, wrapping, baking, and special events (like a Christmas parade and Living Nativity!). The other goes through the house with daily projects I'd like to complete before the end of December.

Today, I tackled the children's books. They were getting a little out of hand and I noticed that there were many books we had two of or we don't read (thanks to all the books leftover from teaching!). I thinned out the shelves and added several baskets for sorting some of our more specific toys (balls, blocks, vehicles, etc.) .

Look how many we have to give away!!

After the de-cluttering was done, we took all of our Christmas and Winter books out and put them in a large basket for easy access. I even added ones I'd like to read (again) this year: Miracle on 34th Street, The Lion in the Box, The Mitford Snowman, Esther's Gift, and Christmas with Anne.

Next up, tidy the front closet and create a Winter centerpiece!


  1. Aww. I remember how exciting it was when my mother brought out the basket of Christmas books when I was little.

  2. I did not know there was an Anne Christmas book! I am so excited! Thanks so much for mentioning it. Kelly
