
Monday, August 4

Peach Picking...

We enjoyed a morning of peach picking a week or so ago. I was a little nervous that we would be unable to eat the 10 lbs (minimum) we were required to pick at this orchard, but my mother reminded me that it would be wonderful to have frozen peaches for baking this fall and winter. We enjoyed all the fresh ones we could eat, a nice warm peach crisp, and we *still* have a huge container of juicy sliced peaches in the freezer! Next up: Blueberries!!


  1. those peaches look wonderful, where did you go ?

  2. Yummy, nothing like fresh peaches. We have a peach tree and managed to get a few. The squirrels ate most of them. But the ones we did have were drip down your chin juicy.

  3. We got the peaches at Bennett's Orchards.
