
Friday, May 2

A Quaint Little Development...

We live in an area that seems to be booming with new developments. Though we are renting (and have signed the lease for a second year - a first in our marriage!), we enjoy looking around at houses. We were driving to the beach today and noticed a little hidden road. Since everyone was enjoying the ride, we decided to check it out. Look at these darling houses! Though they are new constructions, I love the style the builders chose and think that it is wonderful that the landscaping is mature (a nice change from our development where each house is lucky to have a lone sapling on their front lawn!). Doesn't this remind you a little of Mitford?


  1. They are very cute! I hate the way "development houses" usually look. Boring. but, I'd be happy to buy one of these.

  2. I am *excited* to see these. All we have here in New England are "McMansions," and this smaller-house development is a direct result of people's renewed interest in the Craftsman movement that was the highlight of the early 20th century. No chance, I suppose, of your purchasing one of these? Between the mature landscaping and the size, they look like dream cottages for child-raising.

  3. I love Mitford! What perfect little homes surround you! Are the neighbors within as pleasing? I hope so!

  4. Oh, my goodness, another Mitford fan! Although I must admit that I'm not sure if you are referring to the Cranford series about Mitford, or to Jan Karon's books about "Mitford, NC." How funny that as people are building the McMansions, and seriously expecting them to be purchased, all of us are excited about these cute little homes!
