
Sunday, March 30

March 30th...

It's time for another Commitment to Loveliness! This is a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in our lives each week without even trying! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!

Here is my list for this week:

1. Re-organize the kitchen
2. Visit the library for story hour and a much needed perusal of books
3. Work on complaining less

4. Work on a few craft projects I've been thinking about

5. Take a looong soak in the tub complete with candles, soft music, a good book, and bubbles

Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and link to this post in your post, and then post the direct link to your Commitment to Loveliness post below. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section.


  1. I have just found your blog and feel instantly at home! I will be posting my commitment to loveliness tomorrow!

  2. I posted mine on a community webpage I help maintain. Bham Nests.

  3. Whew -- finally got on board with this. I think. Wait till you see how basic my list is... ;-)

  4. ooooooook - I'm not sure abot this, but I'll try. But I'm afraid that bubble baths are just beyond me!
