
Tuesday, February 19

Creating a Child-Friendly Environment: At the Table...

Though we did start our little girl off with sippy cups, she has always used "real" bowls, plates, and silverware (appetizer forks and spoons).

Though I mainly did this for two reasons - practicality (children's things don't seem to work as well... especially the utensils) and beauty (children's things in our price range are ugly) - I have found that there are some other benefits as well. For one, our little girl is very careful with breakable things. Additionally, I was practicing Montessori concepts without realizing it!

After searching around a bit, I was able to find some 5 oz juice glasses for our little one to use instead of her sippy cups. As you can see from the pictures, she's loving these little glasses!!


  1. I can see those are a really good size. DS only had one spilling incident with his the first time he used them. It's great to see so much care in one so young. So many times people don't give young chidlren enough credit!

  2. Emma - did you "teach" her about holding the cups or did she copy you?

    Lately, my 4 yo has been asking for her drinks in a coffee cup in the she and Dad (who's drinking coffee) have the same cup! LOL

    Great idea!
