
Thursday, January 3

Book Club: The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage...

Get your books now... We'll start next week!

P.S. Amazon's used prices are great!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I managed to find a copy...but not at Amazon UK...they have four copies from about 30 dollars up to about 220 must be good! Looking forwards to resding with you, Gill.

  3. I found your blog through another I read during a finishing school activity. I have enjoyed reading your blog, and so when I saw you mentioned this book, then I found it at a charity shop, I picked it up.....but are you doing like a book club with questions for it? Thanks!

  4. Hi Kalee!

    I'm still trying to decide how the book club will work... more than likely, we'll do a chapter a week, I'll post my thoughts, ask a question or two, and hope a great discussion ensues:)

  5. I'm so excited to do this study! I've heard this is a great book, and I ordered mine off Amazon today. Loved your simple luxuries list too!
    See you next week...

  6. How neat that you are doing this book club. I think my library system has a copy of this book, but I'm not sure.

  7. ohhh, I just got this out of the library again to reread it. . . and I ordered the tapes for Yankee Bill to listen to while he's driving around for work. .. we'll see what he thinks of that.

    I'm looking forward to this.
