
Monday, December 3

Making Your Home a Haven: Day One...

Making Your Home a Haven: Day One

1. Refresh Your Spirit:
We said Morning Prayers together as a family this morning! Though we usually do this, lately we've been off running this way and that and have been resorting to either saying them by ourselves or in the car as we rush somewhere.

2. Take Time to Plan: I reviewed my Daily Routine and tweaked it a little. In addition, I wrote out a new cleaning schedule. We seem to be becoming a little more messy with a toddler, so I want to begin cleaning the entire house each week (previously, I have cleaned the upstairs rooms one week and the downstairs rooms the next). Though things will be a little more busy for us, I think that we will be happier in the long run!

3. Do Something: I decided to follow Crystal's example and tackled the entrance to our house. I began with the front porch and worked on tidying it up (something I should have done weeks ago!). I removed all of the pots with dead flowers, took down our flag bunting, and put away a little crow scarecrow that our little one was given. Though the porch looks a little bare now, it is ready for the Christmas decorations we will be putting up in a week or so.

Front Porch Before

Front Porch After

The next thing I worked on was our front room. I straightened a few things and moved some items around a bit. Though I am still not satisfied with the result, the room looks presentable. Eventually, I'd like to find some curtains for the windows, a chair cover for the desk chair, and I have been thinking about seeing if Fr. John can build a long "built-in" bookshelf for the wall across from the futon. We need the shelf space and I think that it will really improve the look of the room!

The Front Room Now

A Close-up of the Desk (which was pretty empty before)
I am already looking forward to day two of the challenge!


  1. I'm jealous of your front porch! I love front porches, but we don't have one. I bet it'll look beautiful with your Christmas decorations!

  2. Your front porch looks gorgeous. I have always wanted one like that! I love your front door, too.

  3. Things look very nice (as always)! I want to participate in this challenge too, and I'll try to catch up today. We had a dramatic day yesterday-- not so much the wintwe weather (typical), but we didn't have any power!

  4. A most enjoyable post and I look forward to reading the rest in the series!
