
Monday, October 29

Your Suggestions Needed...

If my lack of posting has been any indication, I think you all must know that I am going through a period of blog-block. I would love to have any ideas that you may have for posts that you would like to read! Leave your suggestions in the comments section! Thank you!


  1. I like to visit with ladies (blogs) who share things about schedules, decorating, current projects, child development, wardrobe, receipes, christian books and movies. I see some fabric you bought for the babies changing table- pictures of the finished product would be nice. Hope that helps.

  2. I would love to read about how you decorated your home. How it came together. That's the hard part for me, putting it all together to get a "look" in a room. It all seems so mismatched around here.

  3. Things I like to see:

    *Little corners of your home
    *Everyday, no-fail recipes
    *Book reviews, summaries, etc., of what you have been reading lately
    *Ideas for dressing like a lady
    *Fun family activities
    *Ideas for Bible study

  4. I would like to here more about your family closet. I don't think we ever saw a picture when you were done. I love to see where you get your clothes from and what you wear. Also if I remember correctly you have a little girl that is propably very active. How do you keep her wardrobe organized and keep her dressed like a little lady? I also wonder how you do your hair normally from day to day. I find it hard to do my hair in a feminine becoming style!

  5. I always love your posts about wardrobe and being creative. I am struggling constantly it seems to be creative and stay on a budget. I currently have about $0 to spend on such and am desperate for ideas to spruce up my old wardrobe or incorporate goodwill finds with current garments. thanks!

  6. Hi Emma, I am fairly new to the world of blogging and stumbled upon your blog in September I think or late August when I did a google image search for bird clipart actually. I have been peeking over at your blog ever since. It is so refreshing to realize that there are other women out there who enjoy being feminine, decorating their homes, blessing their families, etc. Some of my favorite posts of yours have been: pics of your home and just everyday things from your life, the video from Sound of Music just brought delight to my day, and What I Wore Wednesday as I think it is such a novel idea. I hope you get "blog-inspired" again. Thanks for letting us get a glimpse into your life. Also, I REALLY like the name of your blog a lot! If you like, check out my blog, Also, when I take the time to learn to set up my links, would you mind if I include your blog? Have a blessed day today! Kelly aka Miss G

  7. i love your blog.i am really interested in book reviews, movies,everyday living,homemade projects, fashion...

  8. I'm getting married soon so any tips for a soon to be new wife would be great!

  9. Thank you for your suggestions! I am going to go through them one by one:) I can already feel my inspiration returning!

  10. Bit late but I'd like to hear more about what life is like the wife of a priest and what impact the dailiy living out of your faith has on your life and home.

  11. i'm late too, but i'd like to read more of your recipes or possibly some daily meal plans? i love your blog!
